Step 1
Step 2 - Know What to Expect
We aren’t perfect.
Your view of the church may be that there are many perfect people with their lives perfectly put together. That isn’t us. We aren't perfect, but we are striving to grow together and give much grace.
We aren’t very religious.
You may think there are things you have to “do” to be a part of the church. That isn’t us. At Open Bible, we want you to develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
We speak so anyone can understand.
You may have experienced much confusion in the church, and we get that. At Open Bible, we put things in plain English and teach what the Bible says to be true. Jesus is enough and doesn’t need too much explanation.
We are normal people.
Like you, many of our people are new to Open Bible. Like you, we experience the grind of the work week, the highs and lows of relationships, the struggles and blessings of finances, and the satisfaction in authenticity and encouragement. You will feel comfortable here.
It was once said, "If you are not learning, you are not living." That is so powerful!
Our purpose at Open Bible is to learn.
- Learn about each other through deepening our relationships
- Learn about ourselves through evaluation and critical thinking
- Learn about Jesus and what He teaches in the Bible
- Learn about the past so we can thrive In the present
Our mission at Open Bible is...
- For you to feel comfortable: Please come as you are.
- For you to feel loved: Please come ready to be received.
- For you to feel safe: Please come knowing we have facilities prepared for you and your family.
- For you to feel a connection: Please come expecting to connect with Jesus and with others.
Step 3 - Starting Point Class
Starting Point is the place for people who are new to Open Bible. There, you can connect with our church and find your group and a place to serve. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the food is always good. There is no commitment in coming to Starting Point, just an opportunity to gather information and spend time getting to know us.
Step 4 - Baptism
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision. You can find out more about baptism by filling out an Interest Form. One of our team members will reach out to you about this.
Step 5 - Become a Member
Meet with Pastor or a Leadership Team Member
At your convenience, schedule a time to meet with Pastor or a leadership team member. This is a great time for you to ask questions about OBBC and about how you can get connected with other people, serve, and start your journey as a member of Open Bible.
Membership Presentation
After attending Starting Point, being baptized, and meeting with one of our leadership team members, you will be presented to the church as a new member! This is a great celebration and people will celebrate with you!